Welcome to The Vault View

Welcome to the Vault View.

A Community of Gamers, Creators, Thinkers, and More.

Welcome to the Vault

I’d like to thank you for stopping into The Vault View. I have spent a greater part of my time away from streaming which hasn’t been the best for my own story. I am hoping to come back in full to create an effective place for the greater community to find…


The Vault View started as a Gaming Community, known as Elite Anarchist Militia, from the dreams of two young gamers Smurf and h4mm32 in 2004. With experience in Semi-Pro Counterstrike and Pro League Halo: CE a community formed with the recognition around helping people get the education and support they needed to be better players by creating an inclusive environment. Fast forward through years of WoW, PUBG, and more, and we founded The Vault View as a means for players to find the same great values of a community. Here you will find guides and reviews, tutorials, and so much more to help you push your boundaries towards success. Join the movement and make an impact today.

We’ll Show You How It’s Done

The Vault View works with creators like yourself to bring the best in gaming along with tips and tricks to help you stay creative. We work around the globe to impact our communities through charity and giving campaigns. We help to define a generation of gamers as a positive influence on the world around them. Join our wonderful community and help make an impact.

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