Zombie Rollerz: Pinball Heroes The Vault View Full Tilt

The Zombie Rollerz story thus far

The heroes of Zombie Rollerz: Pinball are back, and this time they’re taking on the undead Armies of hell! Join them as they battle their way through hordes of zombies, unlocking new characters, and abilities, and exploring the world of pinball gaming.

In the last Zombie Rollerz, the character development was in the early stages of this Zing game’s title. The same boards were seen in Pinball Heroes, for example. Now we play a much more simplistic design with mobile gaming in mind, not just guiding the game. Fast forward and we see a much more quirky story-focused version of the classic pinball tower defense mashup.

The gameplay

Assemble your team to battle using your flippers to keep zombiez at bay. As you progress through the game you will unlock new and more involved characters. They each have their own unique abilities which help you progress further in the game. Each time you meet your bitter end, Zombie Rollerz offers gear at the end of every failed run to help you progress.

You’ll build up the pinball popping, table nudging, and flipper busting skills that will keep you entertained and moving along through this RPG roguelike tower defense. You will often find that on a relaxing day when you want to go back you can expend the time here and there. Gameplay will never feel burnt out to just kill some time with this ultra-casual laid-back pinball game.

The Pinball Heroes

The game does a good job of bringing in the classic elements, like ice, fire, and more. You’ll enjoy the diversity and the ability to hone in on your play style to make Pinball Heroes really feel like it’s your game. As the game progresses onwards you will earn more than 15 options to try out and see what you like the most.

The downside will be that it will take you more than a handful of playthroughs to unlock them all. Each playthrough will earn you better skills. making each run easier, and fun. It will take about 15-20 hours to unlock everything for the average player. The victories and time end up being relatively fun to throw at the game from a casual perspective. It may get seemingly redundant and bland if you continue in play sessions too long.

The audio review

The music is rockin’, upbeat, and poppy. The audio design is cutesy and works well for the game world it’s trying to create. You won’t find anything that’ll get you too excited or make you want to mute your device. Zombie Rollerz does its job in being unobtrusive background noise that doesn’t outstay its welcome.

Sound effects and character voices stay fun, and exciting noises make you want to peer around and see what’s going on. The game also provides a few solid one-liners, quipping randomly The main characters deliver pecking humor as you defeat enemies and rack up combos throughout your runs.

The Story

The overall feel of the story is refreshing and diverse. Zing Games has done a great job, offering tons of writing to make each run different than the last. As you grow your repertoire of unlocks the game continues to draw you in to see humourous NPC interactions.

Each playthrough offers different bosses that add to the unique hex format maps and change scenes as you slowly outrun the maps as they seem to flood upwards with lava running away from your eminent death.

The persistent story may hold your attention enough for the game to push you through the finale. The development of all the characters may motivate you but I won’t bank on you finishing every path quickly.

The conclusion

Zombie Rollerz: Pinball Heroes is a fun game that’ll take you on a journey of great character development, interesting story beats, and arcade pinball action with a few twists. The game does a good job at making the player feel like they’re the heroes of their own story as they travel to different places and save the world from impending zombie doom.

This has been The Vault View on Zombie Rollerz: Pinball Heroes.

H4mm32 gave this title





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